There have been many conversations on the big subject of increasing our awareness of the dying process, as part of the national Death Awareness week, 9 – 15th May 2016.

One area for discussion is thinking ahead to what we would like to happen when we die. It is really helpful, and even an act of kindness to our loved ones, to have thought about what we would like in place for these last stages of our living.

When we talk about some of the questions that arise when we die, we can allow our friends and family to express their feelings as well as hear our own; and hopefully avoid BlueHost优惠码 undue disagreement for everyone. And if there is no possibilty to have these conversations, it is still really helpful to have our personal considerations noted down in readiness.

We can never be sure how quickly things can change and it is so much better to have some clarification of our wishes, ahead of time.

So here are a few questions that we might like to consider (gleaned from the Natural Death Handbook).

Planning for dying – clarifying my wishes

If I were facing treatment for terminal illness – would I prefer to know

  • the full details?
  • Implications of the treatment?
  • Not be told anything?

If it were possible, would I or would I not like to know

  • estimated time ahead?
  • best/worst scenario?
  • the average scenario?

Would I, or would I not, like every effort made with the latest medicines and approaches that could lead to remission?

If it were possible, would I like to be cared for

  • in hospital?
  • in a hospice?
  • at home?

Would I like to have around me

  • people?
  • nature?
  • photos?

Would I, or would I not, like the following to be told I am terminally ill

  • close relatives?
  • family?
  • friends?

Would I, or would I not, like updates of my health and progress made public (eg via facebook) on my behalf?

Would I, or would I not, like visitors near the end?

Would I, or would I not, like to be left alone as much as possible when I am dying?

Would I, or would I not, like people to talk about our dying? Would I, or would I not, like to receive and/or give final goodbyes?

What is my religion/philosophy? And how does this affect my dying needs?

What would I like at the time of dying

  • music – and which?
  • chanting, prayers – and which?
  • massage – which type?
  • aromatherapy – which scents?
  • touch and physical contact?

Do I wish to remain conscious throughout the dying process?

Do I wish for sufficient symptom control/pain relief in order to be peaceful?

At the moment of death do I wish to be disconnected from all machinery?

Planning for dying – clarifying my wishes

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